Exam Rules#

The course assessment consists of two components:

  1. A 4-hour written exam (weight: 4/5)

  2. A group project with a written test and an oral presentation (weight: 1/5)

Both of these two components are assessed, and a final grade is awarded based on an overall evaluation according to the above weighting.


The curriculum consists of:

  1. The entire textbook, Mathematics 1b: Functions of Several Variables, by Ole Christensen and Jakob Lemvig, 2025.

  2. All exercises and assignments: Homework assignments, Theme exercises, and weekly exercises.

  3. All SymPy/Python Demos.

The supplementary notes by Jens Gravesen are not part of the curriculum. The group project is not part of the syllabus for the 4-hour written exam.

Homework Assignments#

Homework assignments do not contribute to the final grade. However, completing and submitting them for feedback by your TA is highly encouraged to receive valuable feedback for exam preparation.

The Project Period#

The project period includes an oral presentation, preceded by a brief individual written test covering the project’s core topics (duration: 1 hour). The project is assessed based on these elements and accounts for 20% of the final grade. It is not mandatory to pass the project independently. Therefore, you can skip the project and still pass the course if the written exams alone meet the minimum requirements.

The Written Exam#

On the scheduled exam day, a 4-hour exam is administered, divided into two consecutive parts:

  1. The first is a 2-hour test with all DTU-approved aids (no internet access and no use of chatbots). This is a multiple-choice exam conducted electronically on DTU’s Digital Exam platform (DE). Questions have several answer options, but only one is correct. Only the correct answer needs to be selected; no intermediate calculations or explanations can be submitted.

  2. The second is a 2-hour test without electronic aids, conducted and submitted on paper. Non-electronic versions of notes and textbooks are allowed. All answers must be justified, with references to relevant sections in the textbook. Responses can be written in English or Danish.

Weekly Tests:
The Weekly Tests take place during the last hour of each Short Day (excluding Theme days). Over the semester, there are a maximum of seven Weekly Tests. If you score at least 60% correct within the allocated time, you earn 1 bonus point. If not, the Weekly Test reopens on Friday at 18:00 until the following Wednesday at 18:00 for repeated attempts. If you achieve at least 60% correct within this extended period, you earn 1/2 bonus point.

Bonus Points:
Your bonus points contribute to an overall evaluation of your performance in the final written exam. (Roughly speaking: if you score 65% on the final written exam and carry 5 bonus points, the evaluation basis is adjusted to 70%).


A reexam takes place in August. Bonus points and the project grade can be carried forward to the reexam. However, for subsequent exam attempts, these are voided, and the group project must be redone if you retake the course in the following year.